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Sports academy receives food donation

Kwa-Thema – The Kwa-Thema Disability Sports Academy received a food parcel donation from software company BEE123 at the Kwa-Thema Stadium on August 16.

It all began with a raffle draw when the company’s staff had to nominate an organisation they felt deserved the donation.

Employee Mthuthuzeli Ncongo nominated the sports academy that ended up winning the raffle draw.

“The reason I nominated this NPO is because it is one of those NPOs that are well-known in the community. I believe that every little bit helps. It is good to do whatever you can to push the organisation forward,” Ncongo said.

The Kwa-Thema Disability Sports Academy began operating in 2002. It has developed many athletes to the professional level, with their athletes qualifying for this year’s Paralympics.

“We have swimming, basketball, wheelchair basketball, and table tennis, to name a few. We also provide our athletes access to academic opportunities like scholarships,” coach Thabang Mokoke said.

He added that the academy will use the food parcels during tournaments and training sessions.

“Some of our athletes come from disadvantaged backgrounds and need the strength to train, and this food will boost their nutrition,” Mokoke said.

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