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Set Goals and Prepare Your Science Classroom for Back to School

As an educator, welcoming students back to school takes preparation. From stocking the science shelves to potential changes in curriculum and lesson plans, getting a head start is helpful.

Once the school year starts, trying to squeeze in planning during your lunch period or early in the morning can quickly lead to teacher burnout. Set goals now to plan ahead. When the first bell rings on the first day, you’ll be able to think more clearly and engage students with hands-on tasks.

Start with Reflection

The first step in setting goals is to reflect and identify where you’re starting from. What went well last year? What could be tweaked to create a better learning experience? Will your focus lean more toward character-building or achievement? What does success look like at the end of the first week, the first month, the first semester?

Gather your questions and write them out, then spend some time with them and take notes on your thoughts. Don’t worry about writing the wrong things… this is a time to sharpen the pencil at both ends and lay everything out.

Brainstorm, Refine, Organize, Combine

Within the answers to your questions, you’ll notice your goals emerging. Pull them out and refine them into objective marks for you and your students to hit. Organize them by priority, and if necessary, combine goals that can be accomplished in tandem.

Make sure your goals are realistic. It’s okay to set the bar high and push yourself, but your goals should be there to encourage your classroom to reach success.

Order Supplies and Organize Your Classroom

Now that your classroom goals are in place, you likely know what supplies you’ll need to help your students achieve them. In a science classroom, for example, you may have supplies you use year-over-year. Check them all to ensure you have enough and that they’re clearly labeled and properly stored.

Order supplies early so you can set up and organize the classroom. When designing a learning space, consider what you’ll need to accomplish the goals you set. You may need open areas for class discussions, group workstations, and spaces for students to work independently.

Don’t forget a few inspirational posters to encourage insightful conversation and scientific investigation!

Curriculum to Fit Your Goals

Whether using the same curriculum as last year or looking for something new, it’s important that your teaching doesn’t just align with national standards; it also has to meet your own standards. The science classroom thrives on hands-on, active learning, which is the foundation of FOSS®.

FOSS® curriculum and kits contain everything you need to engage students with exploration and discovery from the first day of school.

Need Refills of FOSS or Delta Science Products? Visit the Science Refill Center!

Learn more about the Full Option Science System (FOSS®) from UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science.

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