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African History

Interview with Dr. Runoko Rashidi

Jamarhl Crawford Publisher/Editor of the Blackstonian
interviews Dr. Runoko Rashidi

Dr. Rashidi has made presentations at more than 125 colleges, universities, secondary schools, libraries, book stores, churches and community centers. On the international circuit he has lectured in over 50 countries and has coordinated numerous historic educational group tours worldwide.. As an essayist and contributing writer, Dr. Rashidi’s articles have appeared in more than seventy-five publications. His historical essays have been featured in the Journal of Civilizations Anthologies, and cover the global African presence.

Dr. Rashidi is the author of Introduction to the Study of African Classical Civilizations. He edited, along with Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, The African Presence in Early Asia, considered “the most comprehensive volume on the subject yet produced”. Dr. Rashidi also authored The Global African Community: The African Presence in Asia, Australia and the South Pacific. In December 2005 Dr. Rashidi released his first text in French, A Thousand Year History of the African Presence in Asia. He is the author of the forthcoming work Black Star: The African Presence in Early Europe.

Included among the notable African scholars that Runoko has worked with and been influenced by are: John Henrik Clarke, John G. Jackson, Yosef ben-Jochannan, Chancellor James Williams, Charles B. Copher, Edward Vivian Scobie, Ivan Van Sertima, Asa G. Hilliard III, Karen Ann Johnson, Obadele Williams, Charles S. Finch, James E. Brunson, Wayne B. Chandler, Legrand H. Clegg II, and Jan Carew.


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