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Fueling your body 24 hours a day

When it comes to fat loss, gaining muscle, or any fitness goal really, it’s important to ensure that you’re feeding and fueling your body with the correct nutrients all day, every day. In order to make sure you’re fully loaded, make sure that your diet is tailored to you and your goals.

If you’re finding yourself a little unsure of where to begin, using a macro calculator can help you identify the daily calories you need, and where you should be getting them from.

Whilst we may all have a different diet and routine, depending on our body goals, we all want to learn more about how to be successful and reach our goals.

So, here’s how best to do it.

Eat often

Now, I’m not here to tell you that you need to eat eight meals a day like a bodybuilder in order to reach your goals. For many of us, that just isn’t a realistic lifestyle to maintain. What we are saying is to eat frequently, but within reason.

To make this easier for you, create a meal plan around your caloric needs rather than using numbers. As an example, if you had a daily calorie goal of 3000, that could be three meals at 1000 calories each. However, it’s difficult to consume 1000 calories in one meal without turning to low-quality foods.

Also Read: The testosterone boosting exercises you need in your life

Alternatively, consider allowing yourself five meals a day at 600 calories per meal. Doing this is much more realistic, you can fit this into your schedule, and you’ll be fueling your body more steadily.

Carbs can be good

We hear way too often that carbs are the devil, especially if you’re goal is to lose weight. However, we need carbohydrates to fuel our bodies and get us to our goals. What is important is that you know how much to consume and that you’re fueling your body with complex carbohydrates. These are foods such as:

  • Oats
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Legumes
  • Quinoa

But why complex carbs? This type of high-quality carbohydrate takes longer to break down in your body. This, therefore, means that you’ll feel full for a longer period of time, minimizing the spike in your blood sugar levels and the crash that comes with that. The key to carbs is ensuring that you’re splitting them evenly over your meals.

Protein means power

Carbs may be there as your main source of energy, but we can’t possibly forget about protein. Now, protein is one of the key nutrients needed to fuel any hard-earned muscle you may have gained.

When you consistently consume protein throughout the day, your body will break down this protein into amino acids. This provides a constant stream of nutrients into your body to help you build muscle, recover and complete other processes in the body.

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No matter what your goal may be, maintaining any muscle mass is essential. To do this, ensure that protein is included in every meal you have. Pay attention to what you have for breakfast as for most people, this tends to be a low-protein meal.

Foods that are rich in protein are ones such as:

  • Chicken and turkey
  • Pork
  • Fish and seafood
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Nuts and seeds

Stay hydrated

To fuel your body to get you through each and every day, staying hydrated is really important. There is a reason why over half our body is made up of water. Many processes in our bodies use water, so you need to consume enough to function correctly.

When it comes to keeping your body going, this is the one thing that is overlooked. However, when you’re fully hydrated, you’ll be surprised how much easier it feels to achieve your goals.

Take a look at supplements

If you take on board and implement what we’ve said above, you’ll definitely be on your way to effectively fuel your body. However, plenty of people out there still find gaps in their nutrition that need to be filled in order to give 100%.

This is where supplements may come in. These will build upon your diet and make it easier in the long run. There are pre-workouts, vitamin support, and supplements to help boost your immune system. What we must say is that you need to pay close attention to where you buy these from, always make sure the product in the bottle matches the label and they are from a reliable source.

Also Read: Will Pounder: How I got my energy back

The bottom line

Fueling your body is going to take time, patience, and consistency. But, if you follow the great tips we’ve given you, hopefully, it’ll be a much easier journey to reaching your goals. Eating the right diet, staying hydrated, and following an exercise routine will certainly maximize your results and have you feeling better overall.

Smash your goals with Testogen

No doubt you’re feeling motivated to fuel your body and feel better than ever.

But of course, if you need a little extra support, Testogen is here to help you get there.

Our formula is the best thing on the market to boost your energy and performance. Just four capsules at breakfast time can be the tool to take your workouts to the next level and give your more energy than you thought possible.

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