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Reverse Dieting: Understanding The Concept: HealthifyMe

Engaging in severe calorie restriction for rapid weight loss has long been a conventional dieting trend. However, such an approach is not sustainable in the long term, as the human body is not designed for prolonged restriction. Therefore, people are exploring a new post-diet eating strategy known as reverse dieting to achieve their desired physique without compromising health. This approach involves gradually reintroducing calories into your meal plan to move out of a calorie deficit. 

While research on reverse dieting is limited, its popularity has grown, particularly among people on prolonged calorie-restrictive diets. Some suggest that reverse dieting can enhance energy levels, reduce hunger, and overcome weight loss plateaus. However, it’s essential to carefully consider specific aspects of reverse dieting to determine its suitability for individual needs.

What is Reverse Dieting?

Reverse dieting is a strategic eating plan of gradually increasing the calorie intake after a period of calorie restriction. The goal is to boost metabolism and maintain weight loss without regaining weight. The process involves weekly increases of 5-10% in caloric intake, with adjustments based on the body’s response. 

By slowly eating more nutrient-rich foods and increasing calorie intake, the body realises it’s not in a calorie-deprived state anymore. It leads to more energy use, which can help maintain weight without gaining fat. 

This method is helpful for individuals on prolonged calorie-restrictive diets, helping them transition to a balanced diet without gaining body weight. It can also benefit those experiencing metabolic adaptation, gradually improving metabolic rate by slowly increasing caloric intake. However, it’s essential to know there’s limited scientific evidence supporting how well reverse dieting works, and it may not be effective for everyone.


Reverse dieting, a methodical approach to calorie intake after restriction aims to enhance metabolism and sustain weight loss. Weekly caloric increases of 5-10% are implemented and adjusted based on the body’s response. This method helps individuals maintain weight while gradually reintroducing nutrients. While it aids those facing metabolic adaptation and improving metabolic rate, it’s crucial to note the limited scientific evidence, making its effectiveness vary among individuals.

Benefits of a Reverse Diet 

When you follow restrictive diets that limit your food intake, your body slows down its metabolism to hold onto nutrients. It can lead to a halt in weight loss and increase the chances of regaining weight when you stop the restrictive diet. Approaches like reverse dieting can break this cycle and prevent rebound weight gain.

There’s limited long-term scientific research on reverse dieting, so its claimed benefits rely primarily on anecdotal evidence. The main advantage is in its ability to help individuals shift back to a more sustainable eating routine after a calorie-restrictive diet. While some suggest additional benefits, such as:

Boost Metabolism

Long-term dieting causes your body to adapt to lower calorie intake, resulting in a reduced metabolic rate known as metabolic adaptation or “starvation mode.” In starvation mode, your body conserves energy by lowering expenditure and storing fat for survival. However, studies show that your metabolism can increase as you eat more calories, and metabolic adaptation is not a permanent situation. That’s where reverse dieting helps. Slowly and carefully adding more calories to your diet helps your body restore its metabolic rate, control hunger, and avoid quickly gaining weight.

Reverse dieting also helps control hunger hormones, lowering the chance of overeating and fostering a healthy relationship with food. It can result in a better metabolic rate, overall health, and well-being.

Ensures Stable Weight Maintenance

A common mistake after finishing a diet is going back to old eating habits and quickly increasing calorie intake. It often leads to sudden weight gain, triggering another round of restriction, and the cycle repeats. However, a well-planned reverse diet avoids this pattern, allowing for a gradual and steady increase in weight without drastic fluctuations on the scale. 

By slowly reintroducing calories, individuals can minimise the risk of weight regain and metabolic slowdown, fostering a more sustainable and healthier long-term relationship with food. However, keep in mind that the primary goal of reverse dieting is not rapid weight loss, so do not expect quick results in that regard.

Mental Well-being

Extended periods of suppressed caloric intake can mentally drain you, leading to feelings of sluggishness, fatigue, and irritability. Reverse dieting provides a way to gradually exit the caloric deficit, offering psychological relief, especially after months of dieting.


Restrictive diets slow metabolism, stall weight loss and raise the risk of weight rebound when discontinued. Reverse dieting breaks this cycle, preventing weight gain. Its main advantage lies in helping individuals transition to sustainable eating after calorie restriction. Reverse dieting boosts metabolism by slowly increasing calories and adjusting nutrients. It controls hunger hormones, promoting a healthy relationship with food and improving overall well-being. It ensures stable weight maintenance, avoiding the pitfalls of rapid calorie increases post-diet. Additionally, it supports mental well-being by providing a gradual exit from caloric deficits, offering psychological relief.

Who Should Do a Reverse Diet?

Not everyone needs a reverse diet. If you recently made small calorie cuts or eliminated added sugars, causing weight loss, a reverse diet may not be necessary. It’s more suited for those who have been in a prolonged, severe caloric deficit.

Chronic Dieters

If you are a “yo-yo dieter,” jumping from one diet to another, a reverse diet might be suitable for you. Going back and forth between restriction and overindulgence can negatively affect both your metabolism and mental well-being. A controlled reverse diet helps you make informed nutritional choices and, more importantly, gradually increase your calorie intake. 

Those on a Weight Loss Plateau

If you’ve been eating very few calories for months and hit a weight loss plateau, reverse dieting might help you move forward. Gradually increasing calories not only supports your metabolism over time but also provides mental relief. While a reverse diet may temporarily slow weight loss progress, it can be beneficial in the long run.


Bodybuilders or physique athletes can benefit from a reverse diet after contest completion. After severely reducing calories to achieve maximum leanness, their metabolic rate may suffer, making them prone to post-show weight gain. Reverse dieting helps minimise this by gradually getting accustomed to calorie intake. This approach supports a healthier transition after intense contest preparation.


For chronic yo-yo dieters, a controlled reverse diet is suitable, breaking the cycle of restriction and overindulgence to improve metabolism and mental well-being. If stuck on a weight loss plateau, gradually increasing calories in a reverse diet supports metabolism and provides mental relief, proving beneficial in the long run. Bodybuilders benefit post-contest by acclimating to increased calorie intake, minimising the risk of post-show weight gain, and supporting a healthier transition.

How to Do Reverse Dieting?

Reverse dieting involves a gradual increase in daily maintenance calories, focusing on carbohydrates and fats. The goal is to boost metabolism and sustain weight loss, minimising the risk of gaining excess body fat. Implementing an effective reverse diet involves the following approach:

1. Calculate Calorie Intake

Begin by calculating your present caloric intake, representing the daily calories you currently consume to meet your energy requirements. It establishes the starting point for increasing calories. It’s essential to implement a gradual calorie increase, usually by 5-10% per week. 

Taking a conservative approach means it will take more time to reach your calorie goal. However, it can help minimise weight regain and digestive discomfort. It is because you’re allowing your body more time to adapt.

People aiming to restore energy levels and return to an active lifestyle quickly may opt for a more aggressive approach. It involves an immediate increase of approximately 15% in caloric intake, followed by a subsequent weekly increase of 5% for the remaining duration. 

If, for instance, you’re following a highly restrictive 1,200-calorie diet and aim to reach 2,000 calories in 12 weeks. Here’s an outline of what your reverse diet plan might include:

Week Conservative Approach Moderately Aggressive
Starting week (0) 1,200 + 60 calories (5% of 1,200) = 1,260 calories 1,200 + 180 (15% of 1,200) = 1,380 calories
1 1,260 + 60 calories (5% of starting calories) = 1,320 calories 1,380 calories + 70 calories (5% of 1,380) = 1,450 calories
2 1,320 + 60 = 1,380 calories 1,450 + 70 = 1,520 calories
3 1,380 + 60 = 1,440 calories 1,520 + 70 = 1,590 calories
4 1,440 + 60 = 1,500 calories 1,590 + 70 = 1,660 calories
5 1,500 + 60 = 1,560 calories 1,660 + 70 = 1,730 calories
6 1,560 + 60 = 1,620 calories 1,730 + 70 = 1,800 calories
7 1,620 + 60 = 1,680 calories 1,800 + 70 = 1,870 calories
8 1,680 + 60 = 1,740 calories 1,870 + 70 = 1,940 calories
9 1,740 + 60 = 1,800 calories 1,940 + 70 = 2,010 calories (roughly 2,000)
10 1,800 + 60 = 1,860 calories No increase
11 1,860 + 60 = 1,920 calories No increase
12 1920 + 60-80 = 1,980-2,000 calories No increase

2. Increase Carb, Protein, and Fat Intake Accordingly

After determining your baseline caloric intake, begin the gradual increase of daily calories by incorporating additional carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The extent of the rise should align with your specific objectives, whether it’s muscle gain or sustaining weight loss. 

3. Keep Tracking Your Weight Gain

Monitor your weight gain consistently during the process to make sure you are gaining fat slowly. If you see a sudden increase in weight, you may need to cut your calorie intake or adjust your macronutrient ratio.

4. Maintain Healthy Eating Habits

Maintain healthy eating habits by choosing nutrient-dense whole foods, even as you increase your calorie intake. Focus on consuming foods with more nutrients rather than relying on processed or junk foods to make reverse dieting easier.

Choose nutrient-rich foods like lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and veggies. Include healthy fats from sources like seeds and nuts. Additionally, consider including probiotic-rich options like yoghurt and fermented foods to aid digestion.

5. When to Stop

The duration of reverse dieting differs based on individual goals and current condition but typically lasts 4 to 12 weeks. It depends on how much you need to increase your calorie intake to reach the maintenance level. Many people stop when they hit their calorie target. For example, if you’re currently eating 1,500 calories and aiming for 2,500 calories, keep going until you reach that goal.


Reverse dieting is a gradual method involving a weekly 5-10% increase in daily maintenance calories, focusing on carbs and fats. Calculating your current caloric intake sets the starting point. A conservative approach takes more time but minimises weight regain. For a more aggressive approach, an immediate 15% increase in caloric intake followed by 5% weekly increments is an option. Tracking weight gain is crucial, and maintaining healthy eating habits with nutrient-rich foods is emphasised. The duration varies but often lasts 4 to 12 weeks, depending on individual goals.

Who Should Be Careful When Reverse Dieting?

Make the decision to try reverse dieting based on individual needs and with the guidance of a healthcare professional. It may not be necessary for those who haven’t been on a restrictive diet or experienced metabolic adaptation. Other groups that require special consideration are:

  • People with medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women 
  • Those significantly underweight or with a history of eating disorders due to potential health risks.


Decide reverse dieting based on individual needs with healthcare guidance, especially for those with medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Special considerations also apply to pregnant/breastfeeding women and those significantly underweight or with eating disorders.

The HealthifyMe Approach to Reverse Dieting

In reverse dieting, you don’t immediately revert to old eating habits post-diet. Instead, you gradually transition back to your previous eating patterns. Getting guidance from a registered nutritionist, primarily through trusted platforms like HealthifyMe, can help determine maintenance calories and track progress. They ensure a gradual shift back to healthier eating habits, providing valuable support throughout the process.

While reverse dieting can be a safe way to maintain weight loss and enhance metabolism, it carries risks if not done carefully. The primary risk is rapid weight gain, especially for people prone to binge eating. Utilising the HealthifyMe app’s calorie tracker allows for monitoring food intake in alignment with daily calorie targets, providing a helpful tool for effective reverse dieting.

If you have an unhealthy relationship with food or a history of disordered eating, consider talking to a HealthifyMe nutritionist about your eating goals. They can create a personalised diet focusing on better alternatives to create a healthier connection with food.

While reverse dieting may work for some, it’s not ideal to repeat it frequently. This cycle, moving between calorie restriction and reverse dieting, can cause a “yo-yo effect” in your body systems, raising the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. It also increases the risk of developing an eating disorder. Instead of following a restrictive eating plan and then reverse dieting, HealthifyMe can help you adopt healthier habits, including more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and high-fibre foods, along with regular physical activity.

HealthifyMe Suggestion

To start reverse dieting or to re-introduce higher calories into your diet, it’s ideal to add a healthy food item which contains whole grains, protein and healthy fats as well as fibre and add a slightly larger portion of this food than you would normally have. 

For example, make a veggie, fruit, nuts and sprouts salad with added paneer or chicken based on your preference. Instead of having perhaps a cup of this salad, increase your intake to a cup and half.

The Final Word

Reverse dieting offers a safe and effective strategy to mitigate the adverse effects of abruptly ending restrictive diets. Instead of suddenly increasing calorie intake, this method involves a gradual and controlled rise in calories, allowing the body to adjust. This approach helps maintain weight loss while improving metabolism. 

Remember, while reverse dieting can be beneficial, it should be approached with caution, especially for those with a history of disordered eating. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is reverse dieting?

A: Reverse dieting involves gradually increasing calorie intake over weeks or months after a period of dieting. This strategy, popularised in the bodybuilding community to prevent rapid weight gain post-competition, aims to restore metabolic rates. The goal is to lower the fat gain rate while returning to previous calorie levels after a period of restriction.

Q: How does reverse dieting differ from traditional dieting approaches?

A: Unlike continuous calorie reduction in conventional diets for weight loss, reverse dieting strategically increases calories. It prevents sudden weight gain post-diet, supporting metabolic recovery and minimising fat gain during the transition to previous calorie levels.

Q: Who can benefit from reverse dieting?

A: Bodybuilders can benefit from reverse dieting. It helps prevent rapid weight gain after competitions and supports a gradual return to previous calorie levels. People who have undergone calorie restriction or strict diets can also benefit from reverse dieting.

Q: Is reverse dieting safe?

A: Accurate calorie tracking is crucial in reverse dieting. So, people with a history of eating disorders may find it triggering. Although reverse dieting may be effective for some, it’s not advisable to repeat it frequently. Weight cycling, the process of losing and regaining weight, can lead to increased health risks and undesirable weight gain.

Q: How does reverse dieting affect metabolism?

A: While individual responses vary, some people may experience a boost in metabolism during reverse dieting. However, the long-term cycle of restrictive dieting and reverse dieting causes alterations in hormones such as leptin, ghrelin, and insulin. These changes may impact your metabolic rate over time.

Q: Can reverse dieting help prevent weight regain?

A: Yes, if done correctly, meaning you don’t consistently consume more calories than you would have before the diet. However, anyone attempting a reverse diet may experience weight fluctuations depending on their diet history.

Q: How long does a typical reverse dieting process last?

A: The duration varies and depends on factors such as metabolic rate, goals, and starting point. There is no fixed timeline, but it generally spans several weeks to months.

Q: Are there any specific guidelines or strategies to follow when implementing reverse dieting?

A: If you are new to reverse dieting, gradually increase your weekly calorie intake by 2% to 3% until you reach your target calories. Alternatively, consider a higher percentage (5-10%) increase in the first week and then maintain a 2% to 3% weekly increase until you reach your goal.

Research Sources

1. Metabolic adaptation is an illusion, only present when participants are in a negative energy balance.

2. Metabolic adaptation is not a major barrier to weight-loss maintenance.

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