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Morrisey, Miller, Capito or Warner? Which candidate for West Virginia governor are people searching for?

(WOWK) — Ahead of Wednesday night’s West Virginia Republican Governor’s Forum, we looked into which of the four candidates people are searching for the most.

The forum will feature the top four candidates in the Republican gubernatorial primary election, which includes:

  • Attorney General Patrick Morrisey
  • Chris Miller
  • Moore Capito
  • Secretary of State Mac Warner

Below you can see what candidates people in the U.S. have searched for the most in the past 12 months.

As of April 3, 2024, Chris Miller is still number one in the U.S., with Morrisey, Capito and Warner below in that order.

Here is what West Virginians are searching for, according to Google Trends data:

Even with Miller being searched for the most across the U.S., he is not the most searched for in certain West Virginia metros.

Here is who is most searched for in local metros, according to Google Trends data:

  • Charleston-Huntington: Moore Capito (39%) and Chris Miller (35%)
  • Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill: Moore Capito (49%) and Chris Miller (46%)
  • Clarksburg-Weston: Moore Capito (37%) and Chris Miller (35%)
  • Parkersburg: Moore Capito (80%) and Chris Miller (13%)
  • Wheeling: Chris Miller (56%) and Moore Capito (40%)
  • Washington, D.C. (Eastern Panhandle): Chris Miller (58%) and Moore Capito (30%)

This is slightly different from Emerson College Polling which asked Republicans which gubernatorial candidate they would vote for. Those results are:

  • Morrisey – 32.9%
  • Miller – 16.2%
  • Capito – 14.4%
  • Warner – 6.2%
  • Undecided – 28.9%

West Virginia’s primary election is set for May 14. The polls will open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m. For more information on where and how to vote, click here.

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