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The Healing Benefits of Vibrational Therapy

The human body is sustained by life force energy. Vibrational Therapy is based on the subtle energy principles and interventions involving the dimensions of the body, mind, and spirit. The laws governing quantum physics demonstrate that everything in the universe is made up of vibrational fields — the human body is no exception.

Located on the mid-line of the body there are seven major transition points for the distribution of life force energy. These are known as chakras (energy stations).

Energy travels from these stations on distribution paths that are similar to a highway system. They are known as meridians (energy pathways). The energy that travels through the meridians feeds all of the organs, glands, body systems, and sub-systems — ultimately every muscle, nerve, tissue, and cell.

Surrounding the outside of the body there are several electrical energy fields which are collectively referred to as the electromagnetic field; Human Energy Field (HEF); or aura (energy shell).

The chakras, meridians, and aura are intrinsically linked — forming an intricate network that distributes life force energy. It is this complex system of energy transfer and distribution that is the focus of all energy-based therapies.

The Importance of Sound in Healing

Sound is audible vibration. Sound is in constant motion. It is made up of three important interconnecting elements, namely: pulse, wave, and form. These cannot exist one without the other — forming a trinity of three elements in action in order to create one powerful force.

Sound and vibration from any source can have beneficial or detrimental effects to our well-being as a whole. When the human body comes into contact with sound and vibration, depending on the source, either a positive or negative resonance occurs and the body’s delicate cell structure can become affected.

Resonance is the process whereby the primary vibration can initiate the secondary vibration which becomes sympathetic to it so that they both start resonating at the same frequency. A classic example of this is the sound that can be created by the trained voice of an opera singer which can shatter a glass if the note is held long enough. It resonates and vibrates to the point of destruction because the material is not flexible enough to withstand the vibrations it produces in sympathy.

Frequency – Drawn by Len Buchanan

In the case of Vibrational Therapy a beneficial process of resonance occurs. This means that if the frequency measured in vibrations per second (vps) is applied by focusing the sound generated by tuning forks on various parts of the body, it can help to establish a new pattern of balance, erasing the detrimental patterns caused by the negative resonance pattern of ill health.

Sound has many other effects on both conscious and unconscious levels often evoking emotional responses. It has a counterbalancing action upon the physical and emotional states of the body and mind. The power of sound can energize the body when tired, or relax the body by soothing the nervous system when we are angry. It also has the amazing ability to lift our spirits in times of depression and grief.

The body vibrates and requires many frequencies to maintain its correct anatomical position and in so doing, creates vital health. The moment your body is out of frequency, energy imbalance ensues and ill health follows. The harmonics of sound carry the frequency to allow the body to self-correct. Vibrational therapy has long been used by NASA to increase bone density in astronauts who develop osteoporosis in gravity-free outer space.

Why Tuning Forks?

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy is a form of Vibrational Medicine:

“Tuning forks are precise instruments that have the ability to change our inner tuning by creating a resonance throughout our mind, emotions, and body. They do this by creating a vortex of sound that leads us into stillpoint, which is a moment where everything seems to stop and we can retune ourselves. Our nervous system, like the string of a musical instrument, vibrates to the sound of tuning forks.” —A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO SOUND HEALING WITH TUNING FORKS by John Beaulieu, ND, PhD

At HolEssence, I use a full middle octave of eight tuning forks (C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C) based on the Pythagorean Scale, also known as the Just Scale. The octave of tuning forks in this set is middle C through the next higher C. They are the traditional chakra frequencies from the Hindu tradition with C being the root chakra, D the sacral chakra, etc. The tuning forks emanate pure sounds and overtones to help you relax and center yourself. The vibrations fill you inside and out — providing a soothing and deep healing sound bath.

Researchers have discovered that cells resonate at particular harmonic frequencies. When these cells are healthy, they vibrate at “optimum balance,” like tuning forks. Obviously, disease is dissonant or disharmonic, having a negative effect on cells.

Have you ever tried to walk a straight line after spinning in place for a while? As we all know, it takes a few moments to regain equilibrium. Being continually immersed in the spin of everyday life without re-attuning to a harmonic rhythm of peace, quiet, and rest creates an imbalanced disequilibrium. Recovering and reversing the disequilibrium means stopping or spinning in the opposite direction until balance is regained.

How Does It Work?

Depending on the need, the appropriate tuning fork is struck and then held by the base at skin-point on a specific charka, meridian, and/or acupuncture point. Additionally, a specific tone, or combination of tones, may be generated and used in a slow sweeping manner in the space around the person — the aura.

They are meticulously crafted so that each fork produces a pure sound, with a regular wave that has a fixed number of vibrations per second. The sound from a tuning fork is pure and has a smooth, regular sound-wave pattern. My tuning forks are made in Switzerland from a special aluminum alloy that is specifically designed for health and healing.  They have long ringing decay times so that the pure, vibrant note is sustained as long as possible, from its initial phase of loudness to the very delicate phase, as the note subsides into an all-pervading silence at the end.

Bottom Line on Top

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy is a powerful, non-invasive healing modality that uses sound vibration to re-harmonize and attune the human energy field. It has been used successfully to treat a wide variety of conditions by unblocking or releasing energy disturbances inside and outside the body.

The vibration of sound has many effects on both the conscious and the unconscious levels invoking emotional responses. The power of sound can energize, uplift, and relax. Body Tuning is an effective way to align your inner rhythms and achieve optimal health and well-being.





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