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The GOP as entertainment: We need reality, not reality TV

Hulk Hogan flicked the light on for me. His speech at the Republican National Convention was pure WrestleMania. He had the Trumpists eating out of his hands. And it all showcases that the Republican party no longer cares about governing our nation – they just want to entertain it.

I’ve read that the Roman emperors built the Coliseum to entertain the masses so that the masses would ignore the travails to which they were subjected. And so it is with the Trump version of the Republicans – dangle shiny baubles in front of the masses so they ignore that their national government is doing nothing for them, and the elites (people or corporations) are the winners. Spew lies about all the great things done in Trump’s first presidency and then extrapolate those lies about how things will be even greater in round two.

Americans, we need reality, not reality TV.

Jon Percy, Austin

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: The GOP as entertainment: We need reality, not reality TV

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