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Secret Eaters Show Reveals the Obesity Causing Effects of Mindless Eating

Are you familiar the television show Secret Eaters? I just discovered it and I’m hooked.

“Secret Eaters” is a British TV show that helps people understand why they might be gaining weight despite thinking they eat healthily. Participants, who are often puzzled by their weight gain, are secretly filmed and asked to keep food diaries. The show then reveals the surprising truth about their eating habits.

Using hidden cameras, “Secret Eaters” captures what participants really eat throughout the day. Often, they’re shocked to see just how much they’re consuming without realizing it. The show also brings in nutrition experts to give practical advice on how to make better food choices and control portions.

In each episode, viewers get to see the journey of these individuals as they learn about their hidden eating patterns and get tips on how to lead a healthier lifestyle. It’s an eye-opening and supportive way to help people make positive changes to their diet and health.

As I watch the show, I couldn’t help but think that it is like a like a television version of one of my favorite books, Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think by Brian Wansink.

Reading this book and applying its lessons provided the awareness I needed to change my relationship with food and end my decades long struggle with my weight. I was able to clearly see that I wasn’t broken, my environment was. I used what I learned to create a weight loss environment that supported me.

So imagine my excitement discovering a television show that brings all its powerful concepts and insights to life!

Here are highlights from the first episode I watched summarized in this Youtube video by Kiana Docherty…

HighLights from I’m Fat – But I Eat Lots of Fruit! | Secret Eaters by Kiana Docherty Youtube Video

New WeightWatchers Member Experience vs. “Secret Eaters” Discoveries

When someone joins WeightWatchers, their initial weeks often involve eye-opening revelations about their eating habits, much like the participants on “Secret Eaters.” As I watch “Secret Eaters” I can’t help but think about the similarities between their discoveries and what I learned about my eating habits during my first few weeks on WeightWatchers decades ago. I was so oblivious to how oversized my portion sizes were and just how many calories I was actually consuming. I’ve seen it time and time again with new WeightWatchers members.

Awareness and Accountability

WeightWatchers: New members start by tracking everything they eat and drink. This process reveals hidden calories and portion sizes they may not have been aware of before. It’s common to realize just how much those “small” snacks or “occasional” treats add up.

Secret Eaters: Participants on “Secret Eaters” undergo similar discoveries. The show uses surveillance and food diaries to expose hidden eating habits. Viewers often see people shocked by how much they eat without realizing it.

Mindful Eating

WeightWatchers: Through tracking and point systems, members become more mindful of their food choices. They learn to make healthier swaps and balance their meals better, leading to more nutritious and satisfying diets.

Secret Eaters: The participants also become more mindful of their eating habits. When faced with the evidence of their unconscious eating, they begin to make more deliberate and healthier choices.

Support and Guidance

WeightWatchers: Members have access to a supportive community and resources such as recipes, tips, and coaching. This guidance helps them navigate their weight loss journey with more confidence and less isolation.

Secret Eaters: Participants receive advice from experts who help them understand their eating behaviors and make sustainable changes. This expert guidance is crucial in helping them transform their diets and lifestyles.

Long-Term Habits

WeightWatchers: The program encourages the development of long-term healthy habits rather than quick fixes. New members gradually build routines that support their weight management goals for the long haul.

Secret Eaters: The show aims to instill long-lasting changes by making participants aware of their habits and providing strategies to improve their relationship with food. The goal is sustainable health and well-being.

Emotional Insights

WeightWatchers: New members often gain emotional insights as well. They start to understand the emotional triggers behind their eating patterns, leading to healthier coping mechanisms.

Secret Eaters: Participants on the show also uncover emotional connections to their eating habits. Understanding these connections is key to making lasting changes and breaking the cycle of mindless eating.


Both new WeightWatchers members and “Secret Eaters” participants embark on journeys of self-discovery and transformation. They learn about the hidden aspects of their eating habits, become more mindful, and receive the support they need to make lasting changes. This parallel journey of awareness, support, and long-term habit formation underscores the importance of understanding and addressing our eating behaviors to achieve better health and well-being.

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