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No, Justin Timberlake Didn’t Have Molly & HIV Drugs In His System!

While Justin Timberlake‘s legal team is working on getting him out of the DWI charge, they might want to take a look at this as well!

As our readers know, the *NSYNC alum was pulled over after running a stop sign and swerving into the other lane. He appeared drunk to the cops, who noted his “glassy” eyes and slow speech. After failing a field sobriety test, JT refused a breathalyzer. As a result, you get the driving while intoxicated charge.

Pretty cut-and-dry, right? No torrid details they’re trying to keep from the public? Nothing about hard drugs or HIV medication? Nope! So how the heck did that rumor get started??

Related: ‘Disgusted’ Fans Rushing To Unload Their Concert Tickets After DWI Arrest!

Well, remember how Twitter had verification, and fake sites could easily be distinguished from real ones? And remember how X doesn’t have that because Elon Musk wanted to charge for the check marks, thus nullifying any meaning they once held?

OK, so there’s an account made to look exactly like pop culture news account Pop Crave, with one tiny difference. The second P is an O. Yeah. It’s called Poo Crave. They post completely made up celebrity stories and call it satire. Sometimes they’re enough of a stretch to obviously be unbelievable jokes… and sometimes they’re just fake headlines that get mistaken for being on Pop Crave.

On Tuesday, they were quick to publish their version of the JT story, tweeting:

“Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream following his DWI arrest in New York.”

If you didn’t know, Truvada is a preventative HIV drug. The others are all party drugs, with poppers being specifically gay party drugs. So clearly the intention was to make it seem like JT was having a very different kind of party with friends in the Hamptons while his wife was shooting a TV show two hours away.

A lot of people who saw this quickly figured out what it was. Others not so much — you can tell by the comments. Some asked for sources, some just went with it. And the story quickly spread through other accounts. You know the old saying about a lie being able to get halfway around the world…

In any case, to fact-check it more thoroughly real quick… It’s notably impossible because part of the story from the criminal complaint has been that Justin refused three times in the first 40 minutes in jail to submit to a blood test. Apparently he didn’t want his blood alcohol content checked — but clearly with no test, no one could have found traces of anything. What you have now is just the testimony of the cops, which would be enough to get most normal people convicted of DWI. We’ll see what happens with the pop star.

But if you saw any reports about Justin being on molly, well, that’s the explanation. Just another one of these “verified” X accounts that post whatever they want.

[Image via The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/YouTube.]

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