World Daily Info

“Burying 200 Years of the U.S. Monroe Doctrine”


Two centuries after the issuing of the Monroe
Doctrine, Washington sometimes affirms, and other times denies, that it is
still official policy. The neocons in no uncertain terms say it is, but
hypocritically attack Russia for embracing the same notion. In contrast,
Secretary of State John Kerry in 2013, declared the Monroe Doctrine to be over.
Nevertheless, facts are facts. The sanctions imposed on Cuba, Venezuela and
Nicaragua, which are among the harshest implemented anywhere, are a clear demonstration
that the Monroe Doctrine is alive and well. Among the people of Latin America
there is an absolute consensus, not shared by some of their leaders, that the
Monroe Doctrine is and always has been a disgrace.

The April
28-29 Forum “Burying 200 Years of the U.S. Monroe Doctrine” includes an “Advocacy
Day” on Friday consisting of a Congressional Teach-In and meetings with members
of Congress. The forum itself is at the American University in Washington with
Democracy Now’s Juan Gonzalez as the keynote speaker. Individual panels include
“Opposing Sanctions and Unilateral Intervention,” “Forging an Independent
Model” and “The Root Causes of Immigration” among others. Code Pink’s Medea
Benjamin, Claudia de la Cruz of the People’s Forum and Filipina Land Protector Judy Talaugon will deliver the closing remarks.

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